Become a Brother
Check back at the start of next semester for Rush information and events!
Get to know us!
Attend any of our public events shown on the Events page of this website.
Contact our Master Alchemist, Kaia Morgan Ambrose, at
Contact our Vice Maser Alchemist, Micah Hrubec, at
Stop by the Chemistry Lounge on the A-Level of Thomas H. Gosnell Hall! Some of the students who use this study space are Brothers!
Pledging with AXS Beta Sigma is a semester-long process and is open to all RIT students who have taken a college chemistry class. You do not need to be a chemistry major or a master chemist to pledge — the only requirements are commitment and interest. While a lot of fun, the pledging process is intensive, and prospective pledges are warned that the process has a workload roughly on par with a three-credit course.